Apply to Euromediterranean Youth Meeting 2015

Are you a social entrepreneur? Do you work for an innovative project that shows a concrete impact on the transformation of any social need or problem in your country? Do you want to know more about the Collaborative Economy and how it overlaps with social entrepreneurship? Are you from a country from the Euro-Mediterranean region?

Meeting at Barcelona

Then come to Barcelona from the 12th - 17th of April 2015 to attend the 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Youth Meeting on “Social Entrepreneurship and the Collaborative Economy”.

[caption id="attachment_710" align="alignright" width="200"]

Euromediterranean Youth Meeting 2015[/caption] The Meeting is organized by the Catalan Youth Department, Autonomous Government of Catalonia. Albert Cañigueral (Innovation strategist, founder of, Anke Streu (Creator of educational programs) and the team from OuiShare Barcelona assist the Catalan Youth Department in creating the upcoming event.

The meeting aims to facilitate an encounter for young people from various countries within the Euro-Mediterranean region to share common interests on youth needs and difficulties.

This year the Youth Meeting will offer an innovative training implemented by experts on the four sectors of the collaborative economy: collaborative consumption, open knowledge, P2P production and P2P financing and crowdfunding.

After an introduction to these four sectors, participants will take part in workshops, and discussions and will visit reference points in Barcelona for a thorough understanding and a hands-on approach to the topic. Legal, funding and entrepreneurial aspects play an important role as well as how to build and manage a community and how collaborative tools can be used for social entrepreneurship projects. [caption id="attachment_683" align="aligncenter" width="960" class=" "]

La Economia Colaborativa[/caption]

Apply now

The Government of Catalonia welcomes the visit of youth leaders and representatives who promote social entrepreneurship projects, throughout Euro-Mediterranean countries.

The minimum requirements for applicants are:

  • An age between 20 and 35 years
  • High level of EnglishBeing the founder, an associate or active participant of the submitted enterprise/cooperative.
  • Only social entrepreneurship projects will be accepted.
  • As an evaluation criterion, we will consider the most innovative and creative projects with a concrete impact on the transformation of any social need or problem

UPDATE -- The application deadline is the 11th January 2015: You will find more information and the link to the application form here. We are looking forward to your applications! See you soon in Barcelona