Call for Masterclasses! OuiShare Fest Paris

Have you ever walked out of a keynote speech, wanting more practical insights on how to apply what you heard?

This year, OuiShare Fest Paris will not only leave you inspired and full of new connections, but also have you going away with new skills & practical knowledge. To make this possible, we're inviting international experts to use OuiShare Fest as a platform to offer half-day Masterclasses around the following topics:

  • Transforming your organization: new forms of governance and decision making, Teal Organizations, Platform Design
  • Building your skills and growing yourself: self-management, leadership, personal development, key skills as a freelancer
  • Exploring the city's innovation ecosystem: Urbanism and Architecture, Citizens’ participation, climate urban issues, public policy

Do you offer Masterclasses?

Do you already have a Masterclass on one of these topics or would like to develop one for OuiShare Fest Paris? Then we're looking forward to your application! For more information about topics, logistics, tickets and how to submit your application, read here: The deadline for submissions is April 7th.

Call for proposals still open

If you would like to submit other proposals to the OuiShare Fest Paris 2017 program such as workshops, installations and experiences, fill out this form. Ticket sales for Masterclasses will start in April and are open to participants of OuiShare Fest Paris only. You can still get your early bird ticket for OuiShare Fest Paris here.