Here are the Winners of the OuiShare Awards 2015!

The OuiShare Awards aim to put exceptional collaborative economy initiatives from across the globe in the spotlight and provide them with support to develop further. The 2015 edition focused specifically on rewarding change-making initiatives, in line with the OuiShare Fest theme "Lost in Transition".After a three-month process, the 5 winners were announced during the OuiShare Fest in Paris, on May 22nd. Here they are.

A multi-stage selection for a community recognition

The entire process of the OuiShare Awards involves the community, from the call for applications until the final open votes. We received nearly 150 applications from 31 countries, with a truly impressive quality of projects! The jury team composed of 13 experts from the OuiShare Community gathered to pre-select 14 nominees. A double-phase of online votes and votes during the OuiShare Fest led to determine the final winners.

OuiShare Awards Winners 2015!

Here is the list of our 5 winners of this third edition; 5 initiatives from Brazil, Tunisia, Norway, Germany and France! Get to know them, and discover what was their first thought when winners were announced:

Open Food Network

Open Food Network is an open source platform that empowers interconnected communities of food producers, distributors and buyers to co-create decentralized, transparent and sustainable food systems. [caption id="attachment_2366" align="aligncenter" width="450"]

Myriam, Laura & Cynthia, Open Food Network - Awards Ceremony[/caption] Myriam Bouré, from Open Food Network (Norway):

I thought: "Great! We are going to the deceleration week!" We are at a stage where we need to think about the global collaborative governance, and some mentoring on that aspect is very welcome.


Debbo52 is an art project incubator led by activists, artists and innovators to enhance growth of culture and creativity by offering shared space, technical assistance, administrative expertise and networking for young artists who are developing their own artistic projects. [caption id="attachment_2369" align="aligncenter" width="450"]

Rafik, Debbo52 - Pitch session[/caption] Rafik Omrani, from Debbo52 (Tunisia):

Oh cool the pitch worked! It’s a positive sign for our next step; building our online platform to connect artists, cultural managers and communities interested in art and culture.


MateriaBrasil is an online and offline open source platform that offers free information about Brazilian responsible solution in terms of materials, products, systems and services in Brazil. [caption id="attachment_2367" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

Manuela, MateriaBrasil - Pitch session[/caption] Manuela Yamada, from MateriaBrasil (Brazil):

I can't believe this!, I'm so happy more people believe in what we are doing! Now I’d like to connect with more people who believe in the same purposes as we do and create more impact through these connections.


Demooz is a sharing community where you can try a product in real conditions of use, with a real customer who already owns the product you want to buy. [caption id="attachment_2368" align="aligncenter" width="450"]

Geoffrey, Demooz - Pitch session[/caption] Geoffrey Vidal, from Demooz (France):

Unbelievable. I was lying on pillows and sure we won’t win. It feels good to be recognized as a real sharing economy start up!


CoLiga is software as a service, an online platform that empowers service companies and communities to manage their business and connect with customers. [caption id="attachment_2362" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

Pedro, CoLiga - Pitch session[/caption] Pedro Jardim, from CoLiga (Germany):

We felt happy as we had learned a lot in the process. It’s a door for what we need now, visibility within the community, mentoring and further supports!

A special prize: a deceleration week!

The OuiShare Awards 2015 are not finished, at least for our winners! By the end of this year, they will benefit from a special prize: a deceleration week! Within OuiShare, we want to help exemplary initiatives to develop further. Or we know that leading a project, whatever its form, is a demanding, long term engagement. "The deceleration week is a unique opportunity given to the OuiShare Awards winners, to take a break from their intense life, step back and look at their businesses with new eyes", as explained by Marie-Anne Bernasconi, OuiShare Connector and consultant in Functional and cooperation economy who organizes this program:

During this week outside of the rush of cities, teams will take the time to exchange knowledge with other winners in peer-to-peer learning sessions, take a new look at their business models and get inspirations from self-organized companies ; while having time and space to benefit from the natural environment. They will experience a new way to use their time to progress, share and relax their bodies.

Once more, congratulations to our 2015 winners and a special thank to all applicants! See you next year for the OuiShare Awards 2016!