How to face a problem : from reaction to creation

From now until the OuiShare Fest, we will be publishing a weekly video post of our speakers to raise discussions that we look forward to continuing at the Fest.

You just need to fight, not against

-Jean-François Noubel

This week, we took a closer look at the TedxEmylon talk ‘How to face a problem: from reaction to creation’ by OuiShare Fest speaker Jean-François Noubel.

In his talk, Noubel demonstrates alternative ways of responding to problems by breaking with so-called‘ ‘symbiotic polarization’ that he considers prevalent in contemporary culture.

Arguing that “we live in a culture where opposing has become one of the mainstream ways of thinking”, he proposes a more dynamic, creative and adaptive way of reacting to stressful situations.


Drawing on his experiences as stunt man, in prison, and with the martial arts, Noubel explains how changing his inner state of mind helped him overcome various challenges.

Through an onstage fight with “a tough guy”, he reveals the 5 key principles that he believes can help us overcome everyday problems: ‘Depolarize’, ‘Reset’, ‘love plasticity’, ‘love time and space’ and ‘go lazy’.

With this physical demonstration, Noubel visualizes how instead of fighting back, reacting more flexibly towards a stressful situation can turn these into a moment creativity and inspiration.

Jean-Francois will also be offering a more physical workshop at this year’s fest, inspired by his upcoming ‘evolutionary bootcamp’ to be held in Bali next month. Besides trust in Jean-Francois as leader of the workshop, his session also requires good physical shape, a creative mind, and openness to challenge yourself and your belief system. For those who wish to embark on an exciting and unusual experience, make sure to join him at OuiShareFest16!

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