This is OuiShare, 4 years old.

Dear Friends, It’s been 4 years since we embarked on the adventure that is OuiShare. Without a plan or clear direction, a group of passionate individuals from different corners of Europe found each other through Twitter hashtags, Facebook conversations and co-working spaces. What united us was our fascination with the emergence of new lifestyles, ways of working, entrepreneurship and notions of commons. We connected with others who shared our utopian ideas and visions of the future, from which emerged crazy, unexpected, yet often indispensable projects.

We connected with others who shared our utopian ideas and visions of the future, from which emerged crazy, unexpected, yet often indispensable projects.

It goes without saying that we had our moments of doubt. Yet that did not prevent us from experimenting and embracing the uncertainty we continuously faced. We learned a lot of about the crisis and transition the world is in, testing our personal limits along the way. Instead of disappearing, the utopia we envisioned began to mature, becoming the driving force for various concrete projects, notably OuiShare Fest and POC21. Though by now we have stopped counting, among our current projects are an online magazine, research projects, global events, collaborations with cities and companies and recent the creation of the OuiShare Foundation. Our core team has grown to over 80 individuals (and a larger associated network), our so-called ‘Connectors’, who are continuously working to find new models and reinvent themselves. They are what keeps OuiShare in “permanent beta” and makes it a creative laboratory, an incubator of people. [caption id="attachment_2969" align="aligncenter" width="324"]

The European OuiShare team, Badajoz, Spain, February 2016[/caption]

We are frequently asked about our mission and what we are trying to achieve. Yet we believe this manifests itself through our actions and projects

We are frequently asked about our mission and what we are trying to achieve. Yet we believe this manifests itself through our actions and projects. We seek to implement our vision of a ‘Collaborative Society’ by connecting, supporting and (soon) financing those who contribute to its development on a daily basis. Our adventure will continue, as long as we are joined by dreamer-doers like ourselves who are searching for answers to the pressing questions of our times. In the meantime we’d like to share a video with you of our most recent projects, in celebration of the 4th birthday of OuiShare. See you soon!Ahmad, Amanda, Antonin, Albert, Arthur, Alexandre, Auli, Bernie, Benjamin, Daniele, David, Diana, Elena, Francesca, Francesco, Jocelyn, Juho, Khushboo, Nelly, Marc-Arthur, Marco, Simone and all the OuiShare Connectors
