Vote for IndieHosters, OuiShare Awards 2015 Nominee!

The OuiShare Awards focus this year on rewarding change-making initiatives, in line with the OuiShare Fest theme "Lost in Transition". As there is an ongoing online vote, we would like to introduce you our 14 nominees and specifically ask them "What is the Change?" they bring through their initiatives. Read their answers and vote for your favorite projects until May 21st!

Get to know IndieHosters!

Nominated in the Collaborative Production category, IndieHosters is a hosting free software for you, your familly and your organisation. Pierre Ozoux, Co-Founder of IndieHosters answered our questions:

1. What got you started with your initiative?

"It's been a while we are worried about the direction Internet is taking. Recent events (Snowden, PLJ renseignement in France) are, unfortunately, comforting us in this idea. Free software is the only way to keep Internet a place for freedom of speech. But for a user, it is still very difficult to use! So that's why we created IndieHosters. The key element for Michiel (Co-founder of IndieHosters) was the Eben's Moglen talk, Freedom in the cloud. And for me, it was Michiel!"

2. What Change does your initiative bring?

"IndieHosters is at a crossroads of exemplary governance and digital disruption. There is a huge change at the organisation level. We are not building a startup. We are building a network of free internet services producers. We like to think of ourself, the indie hosters, like your local/organic/seasonal veggie producer! And then, we focus on delivering the best and slickest user experience to the end user. And this is not really common in the FLOSS environment. The collaborative economy is indeed powerful and really disruptive. Unfortunately, I'm really doubtful regarding it's future. We have 2 choices. Either we set u the basic income, and the future of collaborative economy will be bright. You'll see great innovations regarding co-production, which in my opinion the real disruption. Without basic income, you'll see the value from community stolen from the capital (airbnb, uber), and the worker will lose all his rights. In this case it will be a sad world, of poor workers, without much bargaining power. So yes, collaborative economy will bring us a bright future, but first, let's fight for a basic income!"

Would like to support IndieHosters?

And join us at the OuiShare Fest 2015 for the pitchs session!