Airbnb grows 900% in Spain and celebrates 1 million nights booked in 12 months

Airbnb has reached one million nights booked in Spain in the last twelve months, an increase of 900% since September last year, the CEO of the company in Spain , Kay Kuehne, said on Wednesday.

Airbnb has reached one million nights booked in Spain in the last twelve months, Airbnb's Kay Kuehne, announced yesterday. This represents an increase of 900% since September last year. The CEO of the home sharing company in Spain and Portugal, Kay Kuehne, presented the latest data on the growth of the company, and the impact of collaborative consumption in the world. Long story short:

  • Number of properties available on the website: 22.000+ in Spain (440% increase YoY).
  • Revenues: 35 million euros for the hosts (900% increase YoY).

Interestingly, the spanish press also reports further details about Airbnb's users profiles:

55% of our hosts found out about the service through friends,42% use our service to pay their mortgage, and in 71% of cases the rental property is hosts' primary residence, Kuehne explained.

You can read more about Airbnb on (in spanish).