DOCU #01: is the collaborative economy curious?

We are at the very first stage of this economy. We think it is the new reality, but really, it is just the first stage.

Sara Horowitz

DOCU #01 is the second episode of the series DOCU - Documenting the Curious. DOCU #01 is brought to you by Nefula in collaboration with OuiShare. It focuses on the collaborative economy and was shot in Paris during OuiShare Fest 2015.

What paths are being put ahead of us by the collaborative economy? Are they curious? What do people think of these scenarios?

These are the questions we asked to several attendees of OuiShare Fest 2015.

DOCU collects the views of philosophers, technologists, artists, hackers, designers, researchers and many more in an attempt to capture what, in Near Future Design methodology, we call “curious rituals”: the line between what people consider normal & ordinary and what people do or perceive as futuristic, weird, yet to be understood. Behaviours, practices which exist in society, but that for some reason are located “over” the things we are accustomed to conceive as possible.

In a nutshell: DOCU aims at capturing weak signals of possible futures in the present, and to transform it into a narrative format that everyone can get a grasp on.

DOCU #1 had its premiere on October 8th at the Florence Short Film Festival (out of competition).

A big thank you to all the people who accepted to answer our questions: Pia Mancini, Indy Johar, Aral Balkan, Sara Horowitz and Adam Arvidsson. DOCU #01 is all about the role of decentralized platforms, scarcity of resources and the opportunities that technologies such as blockchain open to us.