Sara Horowitz is an innovator for tomorrow’s workforce. As Freelancers Union’s Founder and Executive Director, Sara Horowitz has been helping the new workforce build solutions together for nearly two decades. A MacArthur Foundation “Genius” fellow and Deputy Chair of the Federal Reserve of New York, Sara Horowitz is one of the speakers of the OuiShare Fest 15 lineup.

In the below panel discussion, Sara Horowitz highlights 3 things: “the new way of work”, “business models” and “a new political slogan”.

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rH7KYvWq0-w[/embed] In one of her writings, she stated

[...]Collaboration has created the kind of tremendous economic wealth that trend pieces can’t help but gush over. But what has been overlooked is the opportunity to create equally transformative social wealth. It’s time to tap the do-it-yourself freelancer ethic and build social-purpose institutions at the local level. In other words, it’s time for the sharing economy to become the sharing society. Collaborate or collapse? The choice is ours.

We are excited to discuss more about this new work movement with Sara Horowitz in one of this year's Fest tracks: "Working with robots and without Jobs".

We are using the hashtag #OSFest15 to connect your thoughts and comments.

Join us in May, 20-22 at Cabaret Sauvage, Paris!

From now until the OuiShare Fest, we will be publishing a weekly video post of our speakers to raise discussions that we look forward to continuing at the Fest.