Vote for FairCoop, OuiShare Awards 2015 Nominee!

The OuiShare Awards focus this year on rewarding change-making initiatives, in line with the OuiShare Fest theme "Lost in Transition". As there is an ongoing online vote, we would like to introduce you our 14 nominees and specifically ask them "What is the Change?" they bring through their initiatives. Read their answers and vote for your favorite projects until May 21st!

Get to know FairCoop!

Nominated in the Collaborative Finance category, FairCoop is the open global cooperative that is building a new economical system based in the commons and using Faircoin as the cryptocurrency upon which to base its resource-redistribution actions. Enric Duran, Founder of FairCoop answered our questions:

1. What got you started with your initiative?

"Currently, neoliberal capitalism is creating impressive inequalities with serious consequences such as impoverishment, cheap labour and overexploitation of natural resources. Knowing this, FairCoop is working in a new economic system that meets the need for fairness, human development and ecological care. A currency for building the commons. This is Faircoin With Faircoin, we are hacking the money market by inserting the cooperation virus as a tool in order to build a new global economic system based on cooperation, ethics, solidarity and justice in our economic relations."

2. What Change does your initiative bring?

"Faircoin is a digital currency based on a peer-to-peer, decentralized database network protected by cryptography. A store of value that will help to make direct purchases of goods and services in order to increase freedom in economic networking and to help in the construction of alternatives for a more equitable economy. Other of our tools are: * Fairmarket as an open market tool to increase visibility and distribute those goods and services produced by the FairCoop members, that also will helps to create networks with other projects and individuals in tune with alternative markets, ethical finances, social currencies, collective actions, inclusion, and fair trade. * FairFunds: a quantity of Faircoins, the 20% of the supply, donated by the FairCoop funders as a social capital, that is growing with the value of Faircoin pending to be distributed among projects in synergy with the FairCoop overall objectives. We have: the Global South Fund, the Commons Fund, the Technology infrastructure Fund and the Pooled Fund. Today their total value is more than 200.000 €. * FairStarts: a network of incubators as a part of the collaborative P2P economy to help develop transnational, open and cooperative projects through the provision of technological and legal advice, funding, contacts and strategic partners, networking and physical resources. We are based on open cooperativism, integral revolution, self-management, community empowerment, digital commons, social justice, free knowledge, ecological transition and open participatory processes."

Would like to support FairCoop?

And join us at the OuiShare Fest 2015 for the pitchs session!