Vote for Konnektid, OuiShare Awards 2015 Nominee!

The OuiShare Awards focus this year on rewarding change-making initiatives, in line with the OuiShare Fest theme "Lost in Transition". As there is an ongoing online vote, we would like to introduce you our 14 nominees and specifically ask them "What is the Change?" they bring through their initiatives. Read their answers and vote for your favorite projects until May 21st!

Get to know Konnektid!

Nominated in the Collaborative Consumption category, Konnektid is a learning community where you can share skills and knowledge, we help you find people online that can teach you new skills offline! Maartje Maas, Head of Community at Konnektid, answered our questions:

1. What got you started with your initiative?

"Michel Visser (32), a trained actor, founded Konnektid over three years ago. Inspiration hit him when he was riding the tram in his hometown of Amsterdam and overheard two guys talking. They were discussing how they were rejected for a job because of their bad presentation skills. Overhearing this, Michel thought: “why isn’t it possible for them to get in touch with me to simply ask me if I could learn them something about presenting?”. And so the first seed for Konnektid was planted… Michel then got to think about the accessibility of the knowledge capital that resides in all of us. And how we should be able to tap into that knowledge and find help, or help someone else. Michel and the team at Konnektid strongly believe that everyone has a skill worth sharing and that people have an innate desire to develop themselves but also to help others. This is what our community is all about. So for Konnektid, it all began in a tram in Amsterdam."

2. What Change does your initiative bring?

"People no longer have a job for life as they switch jobs and careers quite often. At the same time, the labour market demands a highly skilled and dynamic workforce and professionals need to be able to quickly adapt and gain new skills to stay relevant. However, education is becoming more expensive and less tailored to the specific knowledge and skills you need to get a job or further your career. This is where Konnektid comes in. With Konnektid you can keep learning and developing yourself. Anytime you need to learn a new skill, you visit our platform and can find someone who has the knowledge you need and ask that person to teach you. Our members can find the help they need whilst growing their social networks, reconnect with their neighbours and ensures that valuable knowledge and skills are preserved. Or as our member Adrienne puts it: “Konnektid has expanded my cultural and social horizons while allowing me to share one of my passions, English grammar! Sandra, twith whom I practice conversational English, has even become a friend.”"

Would like to support Konnektid?

And join us at the OuiShare Fest 2015 for the pitchs session!